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Email Read & Response

Let Our Professional Agents Answer Your Customers’ Emails for You

Our expert agents provide award-winning, 24/7 email read and response support

A national leader in the telephone answering, customer service, call center, and help desk industry, Answer United has been providing E-mail Read and Response services to businesses of all sizes for more than four decades.  Available 24/7, our award-winning agents will treat your customers in the same professional, courteous manner in which you would answer your own e-mails.  Keep your customers satisfied by providing an instant response every time they reach out to you.

We have answering service solutions for any size business, whether you’re a medical professional, a property manager, a freelancer or represent a large commercial enterprise, Answer United will customize a messaging and dispatch package to fit your specific needs.

Take Your Customer Service Efforts Beyond the Phone Call

When it comes to communicating with your clients and potential customers, you have to meet them not just on their time, but on the platforms that they’re using. And while many people don’t have a problem picking up the phone and contacting your firm, others prefer to do it in other ways. One of the most popular means of communication is none other than email. Are you meeting your clients in their inboxes? If you’re not, Answer United is here to help.

It’s estimated that more than 306 billion emails are sent each day worldwide. And according to some customer service experts, email is the most popular means by which customers communicate with the companies they do business with. But reading and responding to emails isn’t exactly something that can be done quickly – and that’s where Answer United can help. By partnering with us for email reading and response services, you can rest assured that no email sent to your company will ever go unread – keeping your clients happy and service levels high.

In addition to email reading and response, be sure to also inquire about the other platforms that Answer United can serve you on. These include Facebook messenger, Twitter and Instagram direct messaging, text messaging and more. Remember, in a 24/7 world these days, it’s important to meet your customers on the platforms that they’re using.

Let Us Provide an Immediate Response to Your Incoming Email

  • Simply forward your e-mail whenever you want us to read and respond on your behalf
  • The e-mail is automatically sent to a professional and well-trained telephone agent who will read the e-mail and respond according to your directions
  • We can monitor automated alert systems, dispatch service personnel, send literature or alert anyone within your organization

Email Read And Response Service Features:

Instant, Direct Message Retrieval

Receive messages instantly and securely
We offer the convenience and flexibility of allowing you to choose whichever mode of communication is most effective for you to retrieve your messages.  You can call in and obtain your messages from an agent, obtain them from our Express Message Retrieval system, have them faxed, paged, or emailed to a forwarding account – whichever mode of communication is the most effective for you.  In addition, urgent messages can be sent directly to your cell phone, SMS, IM, PDA, or pager.

Custom, On-Screen Scripts

Ensures proper information is provided for your customers
We combine our experiences by working with you to compose a custom script that shows up on-screen when your customers email.  This ensures that your customers receive prompt, exceptional customer care with accuracy and integrity.  Your web page can also pop up so our agents are equipped with all possible information available.  Should your emails need more detailed advice from your staff, we can let them know their message has been forwarded on to someone else who can answer their more detailed inquiries.

Receive Email Reports

Computer-generated time and date stamp reporting
All emails are given a computer-generated time and date stamp for complete quality assurance.  We can easily provide a variety of reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, which can be customized to fit your specifications.  These reports can be delivered in different formats including fax, email, or a downloadable file.

Agent Callback & Live Chat

Enhance your web page with live interaction
You can integrate an icon on your web page and anyone browsing your website will have the ability to either ask for an “Agent Callback” or have a “Live Chat” with one of our agents through instant messaging (IM) in real-time.  Your visitor can either click a link on your web page to request a callback or they can have a message pad appear to type messages back and forth with our agent.  Your account instantly pops up in front of one of our agents letting them know a call back has been requested or they can instantly start typing messages for a live chat.  No additional software is necessary.

Our retention rate is one of the highest in the industry, with several agents having 15 years or more of service with our company.  This is how we’ve earned the reputation for answering 80% of our calls within three rings – providing the nation with the most reliable email read and response service for more than four decades.

If you are currently in a relationship with a company that is unable to meet your expectations, the consequences can be devastating.

We are an award-winning, reputable telephone answering, call center, and email read and response service provider.

Accreditations & Memberships

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