Professional Answering Services in Baldwin Park, California
Are you ready to give your business the edge it needs to succeed in an environment of competition and demand for consumer attention? If so, you’re in the right place! At Answer United, we partner with businesses across the country to help you become the best version of your business possible. When you hire us, you can finally offer services that keep customers returning and open up your business to 24/7 operation even when you’re not there.
Medical Answering Services in Baldwin Park, California
We understand how critical it is for medical offices to connect with patients and clients whenever you are needed. That’s why we offer premier medical answering services for your Baldwin Park, California medical practice.
We are HIPAA compliant, so you can rest easy knowing that your Baldwin Park, California patients’ information is safe. Our answering service agents are also trained in medical answering, so your patients will always speak to someone who is professional, compassionate, and prompt in helping solve their problems.
Do you need a voicemail system to help with prescription refill requests? Would you like a 24/7 secretary for appointment scheduling and reminder calls? Perhaps you would benefit from on-call physician management where you could change and update on-call physicians no matter where you are. Answer United can do all of this, and more! We can even forward urgent messages to your on-call physician using your preferred delivery methods such as a call, text, instant message, PDA, or page
Expand Your Online Presence
Answer United provides answering services but we’re more than a call center. We can provide a wide variety of answering services and help in areas other call centers can’t – such as helping expand your online presence.
Web traffic is only set to increase, so why not catch potential customers while they’re browsing your page? With our live chat feature, we can interface with your customers and provide them with product information, ordering assistance, and answers to commonly asked questions. Many customers prefer to talk with someone through a chat box immediately if they have a question instead of calling in. It’s these customers that you catch with live chat support from Answer United.
Provide Bilingual Answering Services
It’s been estimated that around 41 million people speak Spanish natively with English as a second language. That means a potentially large percentage of your Baldwin Park, California customers would appreciate being able to communicate with your business in the language they know best – Spanish.
Answer United can provide bilingual answering services to help reach this demographic of your customers. We can provide bilingual call answering, live web chat, and other services that your customers will appreciate such as order entry, help desk services, event registration, and appointment scheduling.
With our bilingual services, you’ll never have to miss out on reaching a Spanish-speaking customer ever again.
Keep Your Baldwin Park, California Business Operational 24/7
If you’re looking for a way to keep your business open around the clock, even when you and your employees aren’t there, Answer United has the answer. When we partner with your Baldwin Park, California company, we keep your phone lines open and your email inbox flowing. We can answer questions about inventory, process orders, schedule appointments, register event attendees, read and respond to emails, and much more.
Your Baldwin Park, California business never has to close even after you go home for the day or your employees go on vacation. Answer United provides customizable answering services such as:
– Live call answering with bilingual services
– Event registration
– Order processing
– Help desk services
– Dealer location
– Medical answering services
– Appointment scheduling
– Insurance claims
– And more!
There is virtually no limit to the answering services Answer United can provide your Baldwin Park, California business with to keep it running.
Answer United Provides Value-Added Answering Services
We’re proud to provide more than live call answering. We also provide value-added answering services such as email reading and response and live web chat. Most call centers aren’t equipped to handle email reading and response, but we recognize that too-full inboxes are often a source of frustration for business owners and customers alike.
With Answer United, you don’t have to leave customer emails unread and unanswered. We’ll handle them in a timely manner, keep you on top of your to-do list, and keep your customers happy. You can always retrieve emails at a later time and we’ll notify you of important communication that requires your notice.
Don’t ignore your inbox and hope it will go away! Give it to Answer United’s professional answering service staff and rest assured that your Baldwin Park, California customers are receiving individualized attention.
Give Answer United a call today and let’s see how we can help your Baldwin Park, California business!