Have you ever missed several phone calls after being away from your leasing office? You could have been out showing a property to a prospective client and at the same time lost out on the opportunity to schedule other appointments with new prospects. By the time you return phone calls, you may find the caller already found another leasing agent through a competitor. Rather than lose out on these calls, you need to get your own property management answering service to take your calls when you are unavailable.
Property Management Answering Service Helps You Stay on Top of Your Calls
Managing multiple properties for different owners can become hectic when trying to keep up on different types of phone calls. You will get phone calls from residents needing service issues and problems resolved. You can get inquires about rental rates and available properties, as well as people wanting to view available units. When you use a property management answering service, like us here at Answer United, we can help you stay on top of all your phone calls and requests. We can even take care of calling for service and act as your virtual leasing agents.